Are designed to enable TYPING at least 12 Nigerian languages correctly using correct letters and tone marks (which are the hallmarks of these languages!)
Type it right! Type it correctly; Type it with NAILANGS Keyboard!

Nailangs Keyboards' now available in all operating systems including:
Android | Windows | iPhone | MacOS
One nation, many languages, one keyboard!
Up until now, Nigerians have had to type their languages using English keyboards, which do not have many important letters of these languages. Also, as these languages are tonal languages, using English keyboards make it difficult most times to have instant understanding of what’s been written and guesswork (or guess word) rather become the norm! But no more! With NKB (Nailangs Keyboards), readers are able to understand what's been written in their languages instantly. Also, as most Nigerians are bilingual and Nailangs keyboards enable typing many of these languages, thereby promoting their bilingualism. NKB therefore, enable and support Nigerians to communicate in their own unique ways using 21st century tools, computer!